Minor imperfections in the print are to be expected when traditional wallpaper printing methods are used (block printing, screen printing etc).
Major print errors or damage will be assessed and replacement rolls provided when deemed faulty.
No more than 3 cut drops will be replaced.
It is the responsibilty of the decorator to ensure the wallpaper is correct and, during hanging to check there are no visible faults. After hanging one roll, the the wallpaper should be inspected, the decision to continue is the responsibility of the decorator. We will not consider any claim for wallpaper hung in excess of one roll.
Please check which way up the design is before hanging. If in doubt contact us or view images at www.cole-and-son.com
Check all wallpaper within 14 days of receipt, please notify us of any faulty product. We cannot accept any responsibility after the wallpaper has been hung.
Please visit www.cole-and-son.com/en/faq/hanging-instructions for full hanging instructions. This information has been supplied in good faith but without guarantee. Site conditions are beyond our control.